Volunteer at St James

There are many opportunities to become involved with the life and mission of St James  

Altar Servers

Our Servers assist the Priest at the Eucharist, both on Sundays and other times and is is an important ministry in the life of our Parish. You do not need to have done this before, as training is provided.  

Bell Ringers

Our team of Royal Jubilee Ringers, ring for services and other occasions. Ringing Practice is usually on Thursday evenings at 6.30pm. Following the practice most retire to a local hostelry for continued fellowship.

Flowers and Maintenance

Many visitors comment on how our beautiful Wren church is so lovingly cared for. It takes a lot of hard work and we very much welcome help to keep it so. 


As we prepare for the The Big Project  and a major fundraising push - we would be delighted to welcome volunteers who might be able assist with this.


The Epistle at the Eucharist is always read by a member of the congregation. We are always looking for those who would like to join the readers rota.


Music is fundamental to our Sunday worship and we are very blessed with this at St James. New singers are welcome to join our voluntary choir, Stellae Cantores.

Ministry of Welcome

We aim to offer a warm welcome to those who come to St James, either to worship or as tourists. On Sundays, our Sidesmen offer greetings and hand our service books.

During the week, the church is kept open by the Friends of City Churches. If you would like to join as a Church Watcher, please contact us and we can put you in touch with the Friends.

If you would like to volunteer of get involved, please do contact us.