Funerals & Memorials

I AM the resurrection and the life, saith the Lord: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.

BCP Funeral Service 

Due to our deep associations with so many organisations, St James regularly holds both funeral and memorial services. We are honoured to be able to do so and to provide love and comfort to those who are grieving. But the process of bereavement does not end with the funeral or memorial service. Although our loved ones may have been laid to rest, coming to terms with their death is something that will take a long time. For this, support is available.

We believe that it is important to remember and pray for those who have died, and so we do so at the Eucharist each year, on the anniversary of their deaths and at a special service at the beginning of November.

For more information about memorials, services, and bereavement support, please contact the Parish Office via the booking page.